

Character Template

Basic Statistics

Name: Nicholas Rise
Nickname: C
Age: 25-35
Nationality: Russia
Socioeconomic level as a child: Mediocre family
Socioeconomic level as an adult: Average salary from his own bicycle repair shop, while in truth he earns a lot of money from his “other job” as an assassin for a hidden organization called “Animism”.
Hometown: Moscow
Current residence: A fictional city in America called “Serligo”
Occupation: Bicycle repairman/Assassin
Talents/skills: Adaptiveness to shadows and darkness, excellent silent killer and expert with knives and hand to hand combat and he has a special set of skills for repairing a bicycle.
Relationship skills: He is quite cocky and has quite the negative effect on men, on women he has an appeal which attracts most women, but he mainly has interest in money so women aren’t his first concern.

Physical characteristics:

Height: 1.90cm
Weight: 100kg
Race: Caucasian Distinguishing features: How does he/she dress? He has a distinct look with his leather coat and “army” vest. He usually wears a mask to hide his face while “on the job” but in the shop he wears jeans and a simple t-shirt to maintain his “cover” to not arouse suspicion.
Habits: He usually goes to New York, Paris, Hong Kong and such big cities to party and take a break from his usually hectic life.
Health: Very fit and flexible as his other job demands it.
Hobbies: Repairing broken things, he has a certain talent for repairing things.
Greatest flaw: His compassion, as an assassin you should have no compassion, although he doesn’t have a lot of compassion he still struggles sometimes with the things he has done.
Best quality: His adaptive skills, he is extremely good at adapting to situations and finding a solution out of a jam.
Favourite saying: “Oh Snap”

Intellectual/mental/personality attributes and attitudes Educational background: He graduated high school and straight after that he started working at a meat factory.
Intelligence level: Quite intelligent, but only to a certain extent, you could say he is street smart.
Character’s short-term goals in life: Find his parents.
Character’s long-term goals in life: One day have enough money to buy his own little private island and retire and settle with a wife.
How does the character see himself/herself? He has a twisted view of himself at times, cause sometimes he sees himself as a murderer and at some times he thinks he is the perfect man.
How self-confident is the character? Very confident about his skills and traits, yet he is less confident when it comes to his “soul” and how it may be rotten and tainted with the lives he has taken.

Emotional characteristics

Strengths/weaknesses: Long range combat is a weakness he has, he can’t assassinate people from long range because he doesn’t like guns and poison. He likes to get up close and finish his targets off with his knives. His biggest strength would be his close combat skills, he relies on this and uses it to the point where he no longer even thinks about how he is going to kill his target, and it becomes pure instinct.   What motivates this character? Money and power
What frightens this character? Loosing his dream of getting his island
What makes this character happy? Trips around the world partying, sometimes sitting at home with a single malt scotch eating some nuts and relaxing in front of the TV
Is the character judgmental of others? He is extremely judgmental of his victims, he does this to make it easier to take out a target
Is the character generally polite or rude? Mostly rude but can be polite if it’s the right person talking to him

How the character is involved in the story

What is the character’s role in the story (Main character? Hero? Heroine? Romantic interest? Etc.) He is mainly just a self-centered person, but he is kind of an anti-hero as his targets are mostly bad people which Animism has found to be too threatening to their goal.
What is his/her favourite food? Steak, rare.
Describe his/her home. What is it like? It is simply an apartment with a balcony and a big flat screen TV with a single comfortable chair in front of it.

Choose an enemy

How did the character make the enemy? His enemy is the people he has to take out, but there is potential for his own company (Animism) being an enemy.
What is the one thing in the world he/she would avoid at any cost? Relationships.
Why? Cause if he gets too close that person could figure his secret out or they could get hurt.
What has he/she done already to avoid this? He mostly relies on call girls and such.
What would you see him/her doing in future to avoid it? In the future he would want to get married and maybe have children.
What is the one thing in the world the character would do anything to have? His island.
Why? Cause it’s his dream to own his own island and grow old there, retire sort to say.


When Nicholas Rise was born his parent had to flee the country due to an fictional war going on surrounding their hometown of Moscow, his parent was agents of an resistance and was being hunted due to their identities being discovered.
When they fled the country they went to America and put Nicholas in a home with decent and loving parents, these parents changed his last name from Rokoff to Rise to not arouse suspicion, they had false adoption papers filed up to conceal what had really happened and how they had really gotten Nicholas into their lives.
What happened to his parents he does not now, but he is considering them dead and doesn’t want to look for their killer because he can’t find a single lead as to how and what happened.

In his late teenager years he got into a lot of fights and school and even started fighting at a Maui Thai gym on the weekends and late afternoons to hone his skills in close hand to hand combat, he did this at that time to just be “the best” among his friend. Later this became invaluable experience.
He started getting into more and more fights and he finally decided to not live here anymore, he got his diploma and moved away from his parents in Chicago.

Three years later he found out his parents (the Rise’s) had been murdered in their own home, he had an uncontrollable urge to find out who did this to his second pair of parents. After spending two years following next to nothing of leads he found, or Animism found him, he was offered a job and the location of his parent’s murderer. At the time he didn’t care what he had to do to catch the killer of his parents so he agreed to these terms, he found his killer and he executed his revenge. Now, 10 years later he is still working for Animism and has started searching for his real parents again as he at the same time works for Animism and takes long vacations to cities all over the world, is he looking for clues to his parents while visiting these places?

Hvordan karakteren ser ut:

Jeg var litt i tvil om hva jeg skulle lage, men jeg valgte til slutt å gå i en retning som jeg tror jeg har lagret lenge og har lenge hatt lyst å bare få ut av systemet mitt. Jeg vil lage en leiemorder/assassin type character som jobber for et større firma som muligens er korrupt og han må stoppe dem eller noe slikt. Jeg vet dette er en arketype historie men jeg holder meg til den fordi jeg syns det er en bra historie og noen gang er arketyper veldig bra å holde seg etter. Jeg vil at han skal ha litt sånn deadpool/blade/mercenary look og mood. Han skal være cocky og han skal gå i en lang svart frakk/coat og han skal ha på seg en army vest under, han skal også bruke kniver som våpen og er ekspert på hand to hand combat. Det vil si at jeg vil lage en character som bruker ikke så stealth klær men samtidig så er han det, han kunne jo ha brukt tynne og stille klær, men jeg vil lage han litt spesiell så jeg gir han litt baggy klær og slikt for at han skal skille seg litt ut ifra standar arketypen leiemorder, jeg var innom å kanskje ha en dress på han, men jeg føler det blir for likt Hitman. Jeg skal også ha på han en maske, dette er for å gi karakteren mer følelse og så den ikke blir så kjedelig.

Om tegningene:

Jeg laget først sillouetter, jeg fant mye inspirasjon igjennom nettet og fant til slutt ut hva jeg ville lage, det var slik jeg fant fram til de sillouettene jeg har laget.
Etter dette formet jeg ut mine sillouetter for å finne ut hvordan characteren faktisk skulle se ut, jeg fokuserte på de hovedsakelige tingene som klær og formen på kroppen.
Senere utviklet jeg en final pose som jeg laget og tegnet med "guidelines" fra mine tidligere tegninger og som til slutt ga meg et final bilde som jeg er relativt fornøyd med, og ut i fra dette laget jeg en T-pose tegning.


    3D-Animation Student
    Noroff Bergen